Style-Guide CSS =============== - Position position: top: / right: / bottom: / left: display: visibility: width: (min-width, max-width) height: (min-height, max-height) margin: (top and botton, right and left) (top,right and left, bottom) (top, right, bottom, left) padding:(top and botton, right and left) (top,right and left, bottom) (top, right, bottom, left) float: clear: clip: overflow: z-index: - Generierter Inhalt counter-increment: counter-reset: quote: content: - Druckformatierung page-break-after: page-break-before: page-break-inside: orphans: widows: - Tabellen caption-side border-collapse: border-spacing: empty-cells: table-layout: - Aussehen border: (border-width, border-style, border-color) outline: (outline-color, outline-style, outline-width) background: (background-color, background-image, background-attachment, background-repeat, background-position) cursor: - Textfluss list-style-type: text-indent: text-align: line-height: vertical-align: white-space: direction: unicode-bidi: - Textformat font: (font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size/line-height, font-family) color: letter-spacing: word-spacing: text-decoration: text-shadow: text-transform: